Homeschooler Ice-skating Lessons - Franklin         Broken link?

Younger children's class: Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:00 AM. Older children's class: Tuesdays 11:00 to 11:30 AM. Public skating: Weekdays 10:00 AM to noon

Instructor charges a flat fee of $15 per class, not per child; so, the greater the number of children in the class, the less the cost per child. (Two children in the class = $7.50 per child, three children in the class =$5 per child, and so on.)

Children can take lessons as often as you wish -- weekly or every other week or as desired. You do not need to commit to a specific number of weeks. Linda said that she will look at the group of skaters each week and divide them up by age or skill level as needed.

Address: 910 Panther Way
Franklin, Michigan  02038
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508-541-7024 Wrong number?
Created 2/5/2017

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