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Scamp and Tramp -- $12 ppd. Nice. Scamp and Tramp K two - American Language Series. ISBN 9781934470060 freedomproject 07/25 |
Scarlet Letter total Language Plus set, Grs. 9-12 -- $25 ppd. New. Student guide and 2 Scarlet Letter literature books. jkandrews 09/03 |
Schaum's Outlines Linear Algebra 6th e, College -- $12 ppd. Nice. paperback, no writing/marks/tears to cover or pages. . ISBN 9781260011449 susie_r 08/07 |
Scholastic Atlas of The United States, Grs. K-8 -- $10 ppd. Nice. Excellent, visually appealing resource for K-8 students. . ISBN 0439474361 susie_r 08/07 |
Scholastic Audio Books , Grs. K-5 -- $6. Nice. 2 CDs:Geronimo Stilton & Jigsaw Jones Halloween Mystery Stories. bellaboo 08/08 |
Scholastic everything you need to know -- $2. New. About English for ages 9up will send pics upon request. momof_four 09/03 |
Scholastic Grammar Tales Teaching Guid, Gr. 3 -- $12 ppd. Nice. Guide (P) c2004 Grs. 3/+ Good/+ used condition. ISBN 0439458277 bookbliss 09/01 |
Scholastic Instant Math Practice Pages, Grs. K-5 -- $5. Good. 50 reproducible math practice pages. Pg 11 has some white out. . ISBN 0439370779 bellaboo 09/02 |
School of Tomorrow 10th gr. English II paces & keys -- $25 ppd. Nice. 11 paces 4 keys cover of first key torn Ace paces 1110-1120. 10savedbygrace 09/10 |
School of Tomorrow 8th gr. English paces & keys 1085-1096 -- $25 ppd. Nice. Complete 8th grade Ace student paces & teacher set. 10savedbygrace 09/10 |
School of Tomorrow Ace accounting student & teacher set -- $25 ppd. Nice. 11 paces & there keys missing first book. 10savedbygrace 09/12 |
School of Tomorrow ACE Paces- Complete Set Math 4 Paces -- $35 ppd. New. 1037-1048, no score keys, never used. kurriculumkorner 09/10 |
School of Tomorrow ACE Spanish I PACEs, tests, score keys, Grs. 9-12 -- $35 ppd. Nice. Complete set, #1-12. Most are brand new. Writing in about half. [+] snazzyshoes 09/06 |
School of Tomorrow Bible Elective: Old Testament Set, Grs. 9-12 -- $44 ppd. Nice. Biblical Studies Score Keys 1109-1120 & PACEs 1109-1120. loveteach4kids 08/27 |
School of Tomorrow Business math 12 paces -- $20 ppd. Good. Pencil writing on 2 pages of 1 book. 10savedbygrace 09/12 |
School of Tomorrow English PACE Score Keys 1097-1108, Gr. 9 -- $15 ppd. Nice. Like new, teacher answer key, ACE. snazzyshoes 09/06 |
Schoolaid- Climbing to Good English, Gr. 3 -- $6 ppd. Nice. Teacher ed to grade 3 workbook, no writing. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Schoolhouse Rock 30th Anniversary DVD, Grs. K-8 -- $15 ppd. Nice. multi-disc dvd; Disney (distributor). ISBN 0788829254 doublehappy 08/02 |
Science Confirms the Bible DVD -- $10 ppd. New. Ken Ham Speaks to Teens, in Shrink Wrap, never opened. loveteach4kids 08/27 |
Science Experiment Supplies -- $100. Good. [+] shwltr78 09/15 |
Science in a Nutshell: Pulley Power -- $30 ppd. Nice. Includes hands on activity guide, 2 journals and kit supplies. . gunn5 08/15 |
Science in the Ancient World Set -- $40 ppd. Nice. Berean by Wile, Text hardback and Helps & Hints, min wear. loveteach4kids 09/17 |
Science in the Beginning, Berean, Grs. K-8 -- $27. Nice. Student text, Answer Test Key, Wile c2013. ISBN 9780989042406 amiem40 08/13 |
Science in the Scientific Revolution -- $36 ppd. Nice. by Berean Builders, text and Helps/Hints booklet. ISBN 9780989042444 southernjay 08/27 |
Science in the Scientific Revolution -- $48 ppd. Nice. By Jay L. Wile. Unused textbook. . ISBN 9780989042444 [+] 5heartsathome 08/08 |
Science in the Scientific Revolution, Grs. K-8 -- $35 ppd. Nice. Set Includes Text and Helps & Hints Book like new. retiree_homeschoolmom 09/05 |
Science Made Simple-Best of Mailbox, Gr. K5 -- $9 ppd. Nice. Preschool/K Hands on/centers/Lit links/patterns. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Science Plus: Technology and Society, Grs. 6-12 -- $15 ppd. Good. school stamp inside cover, otherwise clean and unmarked. 755 pg. ISBN 9780030950964 susie_r 08/07 |
Science Scope , Grs. K-12 -- $14 ppd. Nice. looks new, K Stout, Design a study series, awesome resource !. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Science Shepherd - Life Science, Grs. 6-12 -- $50 ppd. Nice. Textbook, answer key & parent companion, and test booklet. dara 08/19 |
Science Shepherd Biology , Grs. 9-12 -- $52 ppd. Nice. Student Textbook, Test Booklet, Answer Key. ISBN 9780991636914 elaine226 08/30 |
Science Shepherd Chemistry Interactive, Grs. 6-8 -- $25 ppd. New. 2 Chemistry Interactive notebooks. $15 each or 2 for $25. ISBN 9781580375221 monkiefarm 08/22 |
Science Shepherd Unearthing the Bible, Grs. 6-8 -- $45 ppd. Nice. DVD, PDF workbook & answer key. ISBN 9780991636983 monkiefarm 08/22 |
Sciencewise Book 3 , Grs. 6-12 -- $5 ppd. New. Discovering Sctentific Process through Problem Solving. ISBN 0894556797 paleshafer 08/15 |
SCM enrichment volume 3 -- $20 ppd. Nice. Simply Charlotte Mason enrichment lesson plans print. roslyn 09/19 |
SCM lesson plans for 4th or 5th -- $10 ppd. Nice. Individual studies for LA science math CM style $per each. ISBN 9781616343453 roslyn 09/19 |
SCM Mathematics an Instrument for, Grs. K-8 -- $15 ppd. Nice. Living teaching CM math thoughts by Richele Baburina. ISBN 9781616342012 roslyn 09/19 |
SCM- Boy of the Pyramids -- $10 ppd. Nice. Ruth Jones, pb, no writing, . ISBN 9781616340322 kurriculumkorner 09/17 |
Scoring High Stanford Achievement Test, Gr. 5 -- $14 ppd. Good. Test Prep, name on cover, no writing, no missing pages. loveteach4kids 09/11 |
Scott Foresman 2002 Math The Millennium Edition, Gr. 1 -- $12 ppd. Nice. student text, large paperback w/giraffe on cover. Clean, unused. ISBN 0328021792 susie_r 08/07 |
Scott Foresman Advanced Thorndike Barnhar Dictionary -- $15 ppd. Nice. Advanced dictionary copywrite 1997. ISBN 0673124487 mompage 09/19 |
Scott Foresman Discover the Wonder hardcover text, Gr. 3 -- $8 ppd. Good. stamp/name inside cover. No other writing. Clean, tight pages. . ISBN 9780673401427 susie_r 08/07 |
Scott Foresman Exploring Mathematics, Gr. 4 -- $15 ppd. Good. Student text - no answer key, c1996. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Scott Foresman Investigations Student Activity Book, Gr. 2 -- $12 ppd. Good. ed2 / most pages here but there are some sporadic pages missing. ISBN 9780328240302 bookbliss 09/01 |
Scott Foresman Phonics Workbook, Gr. 1 -- $3. Good. Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Word Study. shelf wear to. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Scribble Art , Grs. K-12 -- $8 ppd. Nice. Independent, creative art experiences for kids of all ages. pb. ISBN 0935607056 susie_r 08/07 |
Script-n-Scribe Spiral Workbook -- $16 ppd. Nice. spiral bound, Truth Traveler OR Americana by Ferrell. loveteach4kids 08/27 |
Seasonal Pageants and Skits w/songs, Grs. K-8 -- $10 ppd. Nice. great resource for ideas. Pb, very good condition; by NexGen. . susie_r 08/07 |
Second Form Latin, 2nd Ed. St Workbook -- $20 ppd. New. Second Form Latin, 2nd Ed. , student workbook. ISBN 9781547702190 freedomproject 07/25 |
Secret Formulas- GEMS Teacher Guide, Grs. K-5 -- $8 ppd. Nice. looks new, gr 1-3, make paste/toothpaste/cola/ice cream. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Secrets of Vesuvius- Roman Mysteries -- $7 ppd. Nice. Book II by Lawrence, crease on cover, minor wear no writing. loveteach4kids 08/27 |
See the Light Art Projects 10 DVDs -- $55 ppd. Nice. 6 unopened new, all others like new. [+] mrsdane 08/09 |
See the USA , Grs. K-5 -- $9 ppd. Nice. Geography/social studies workbook with map & answer key. ISBN 1561751561 segue 08/26 |
Selecting a President , Grs. 9-12 -- $8. Nice. Clift, Eleanor and Spieler, Matthew. 1st ed. 2012. Hardback. . ISBN 9781250004499 diacb 09/02 |
Senior High: A Home-Designed Form+U+LA, Grs. 9-12 -- $12 ppd. Nice. Barbara Edtl Shelton, complete HS planning guide. ISBN 9781887639095 p31wannabe 07/27 |
Sentence Composing for High School, Grs. 9-12 -- $15 ppd. Nice. C 1998 by Don Killgallon. ISBN 9780867094282 jjjen 08/22 |
Sentence Scramble Boxed Game , Grs. K-5 -- $8 ppd. Good. recommended for grades 3-6; WCA Publishing. ISBN 9781933745046 doublehappy 08/02 |
Sentence to Paragraph Writing Instruct, Grs. K-8 -- $45 ppd. Nice. Write Foundation, by Celsor, lessons 1-30, gr 5-8, lesson plans. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Sequential Spelling 1 -- $35 ppd. New. Teacher & Student Books Latest edition. ISBN 9781564009616 sandied 07/29 |
Sequential Spelling 1 for Home School, Gr. 1 -- $26 ppd. Nice. c2003 AVKO Educational Research Foundation by Donald McCabe. ISBN 1564003019 bookbliss 09/01 |
Sequential Spelling 1 Teacher Guide, Gr. 2 -- $12 ppd. Good. c 2016 minimal pencil markings. ISBN 9781935943068 estherledies 08/20 |
Sequential Spelling 1 Teacher Guide -- $10 ppd. Good. Revised Edition. victoryinjesus 07/25 |
Sequential Spelling 1-5 on CD -- $20 ppd. Nice. each or all for $75. sandied 07/29 |
Sequential Spelling 2 -- $35 ppd. New. Teacher & Student Books Latest edition. ISBN 9781935943099 sandied 07/29 |
Sequential Spelling 2 -- $10 ppd. Nice. Stud text Vol 2. ruthm 07/31 |
Sequential Spelling 5 set -- $20 ppd. New. Teacher's Guide & Student Workbook new never used. ISBN 9781935943167 mrsdane 08/09 |
Sequential Spelling Volume 1 (P), Gr. 5 -- $11 ppd. Fair. c2006 worn copy w/ much use still left (reattached cover). ISBN 1564009610 bookbliss 09/01 |
Sequential Spelling Volume 1 (P), Gr. 5 -- $14 ppd. Nice. Sequential Spelling, Volume 1 of 7 (Donald McCabe) c2008. ISBN 1564009610 bookbliss 09/01 |
Sergeant York and the Great War -- $14 ppd. Nice. hb, Vision Forum pub, edited by Wheeler, minor cover wear. ISBN 1889128465 kurriculumkorner 09/10 |
Serl's Primary Language Lessons, Grs. K-5 -- $10 ppd. Nice. hb, no writing, Emma Serl, short lessons, gentle intro to LA. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Sermon Notes- Get Them Talking , Grs. 6-12 -- $5 ppd. Nice. By Banning, Listening during Sermons-a how to!. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Sesame Street Writing Pad , Gr. K -- $7 ppd. New. workbook; inc ABC & 123 practice; Innovative Designs Publishing. doublehappy 08/02 |
Set of 2 Kay Tracey hardback Mysteries -- $14. Good. Teenager who although only 16 years old she solves mysteries in. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Set of 3 Books for Forensic Science -- $20 ppd. Good. Grades 4-8, Private Eye, Crime Scene Inv, Breaking Code. . . . . loveteach4kids 09/17 |
Set of 3 Tom Swift vintage hardbacks -- $9. Fair. Tom Swift series are adventure novels w/a science fiction focus. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Set of 4 Cherry Ames Nurse hardbacks -- $20. Good. Books 1-4 of series titled: Cherry Ames Student Nurse, . [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Seton Art 2 for Young Catholics -- $7 ppd. Nice. 2012 ed, no writing, . kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Seton Art 3 for Young Catholics, Gr. 3 -- $9 ppd. Nice. no writing, 2010 ed, supply list included, . kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Seton Art 4 for Young Catholics -- $7 ppd. Nice. 2008 ed, no writing, monet on cover. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Seton HistoryoOf US for YoungCatholics -- $11 ppd. Nice. 8th gr, pb, c2011, no writing. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Seton K Catechism for Young Catholics, Gr. K -- $8 ppd. Good. cover wear, no writing, 2008 ed. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Seton K Science for Young Catholics, Gr. K -- $8 ppd. Nice. paperback, 2007 ed, no writing, easy activities. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Seton Press- Art for Young Catholics, Grs. K-8 -- $6. Nice. several levels-$ is for each bk, no writing, minimal wear. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Seton Press- Health 5 for Young Cath, Gr. 5 -- $9 ppd. Nice. c2009, answers in back, no writing, pb. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Seton Press- History United States, Gr. 8 -- $13 ppd. Nice. have 2, gr 8, no writing, minimal wear, Catholic. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Seton Science 4 for Young Catholics -- $12 ppd. Nice. cover wear, c2012, pb, no writing. ISBN 9781607040903 kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Seton Vocabulary 6 -- $8 ppd. Nice. erasures pg 1-4, 2011 ed, . kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Setting the Records Straight , Grs. 9-12 -- $12 ppd. Fair. Lee Binz, c2010, crafting transcripts & course descriptions, clean. ISBN 1449583555 jacblily_joys 08/15 |
Seven Amazing Continents -- $8 ppd. Nice. ISBN 9781547270521 [+] bmgascott 08/13 |
Shakespeare For Children: Romeo&Juliet, Grs. K-8 -- $6 ppd. New. Abridged version suitable for children; lavish illustratrations. ISBN 096198533X [+] paleshafer 08/15 |
Shakespeare made Easy- Hamlet -- $5 ppd. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Shakespeare made Easy- Julius Caesar -- $6 ppd. Nice. no writing, pb, original/modern across from each other. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Shakespeare, To Teach or not to Teach, Grs. K-12 -- $15 ppd. New. Teaching Shakespeare Made Fun e6 2004 Five Star Publications. ISBN 1877749036 lasmorin 08/30 |
Shakespeare’s Genealogies-Plots & -- $8. New. Illustrated Family Trees for all 42 works. Hdbk in storage. ISBN 9781595910370 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Shells of the World , Grs. 6-12 -- $3. New. Dover coloring book c1983, 2016, never used. ISBN 0793397766 hunny_books 08/22 |
Sheparding a Child's Heart-Tedd Tripp -- $8. New. ISBN 0966378601 filiaregis 08/09 |
Shepherd Science Biology Answer Key, Grs. 9-12 -- $12 ppd. Nice. Biology Answer Key & Parent Companion. marina 09/12 |
Shiloh paperbacks, price each , Grs. 6-8 -- $5 ppd. Nice. Yearling and Athenum publ; no writing/marks, tight bindings. . ISBN 9780689835827 susie_r 08/07 |
Shipwrecked -- $8 ppd. Nice. by Blumberg, pb, no marks, goes w/HOD & Sonlight. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Shoe Box Math Learning Centers , Grs. K-5 -- $8 ppd. Nice. old sticker on cover, gr1-3, 40 projects, no writing or wear. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Short Lessons in Art History -- $12 ppd. Good. by Phyllis Clausen Barker. ISBN 0825142458 elaine226 08/30 |
Short Lessons in World History , Grs. 9-12 -- $15 ppd. New. by Walch Publishing. used with Heart of Dakota World History. . thehutchfamily 08/23 |
Shurley Classifying with Quigley cdrom, Gr. 5 -- $20 ppd. Nice. level 5, no scratches, . kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Shurley English 6 Teacher Ed w/jingles, Gr. 6 -- $26 ppd. Nice. no writing, jingle cd incl, . kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Shurley English Homeschooling Gr & Comp 4 TE, Gr. 4 -- $16 ppd. Nice. no jingles, fold line on cover, . kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Shurley English Homeschooling Grammar & Comp 5, Gr. 5 -- $16 ppd. Good. Teacher manual, no writing, minimal wear, no cd. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Shurley English Level 2Student Workbk -- $9. New. copyright 2001. ISBN 1585610453 julieharrington 08/14 |
Shurley English Level 3 -- $15 ppd. Nice. Student Wkbk like new. ISBN 1585610402 lattelovers 08/03 |
Shurley English Level 3 Home Schooling TE, Gr. 3 -- $16 ppd. Nice. cd may not be included, no writing, c01. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Shurley English Level 3 Set of 4 Books, Gr. 3 -- $39 ppd. Good. HomeSchool Teacher Manual, Workbk, Prac, Lit, no jngle cd. loveteach4kids 08/27 |
Shurley English Level 3 Student Workbook, Gr. 3 -- $10 ppd. New. c2001, no writing, unused wkbk for Homeschool English level3. kurriculumkorner 09/03 |
Shurley English Level 5 CD, Gr. 5 -- $10 ppd. Good. tested disc & works fine (disc is a bit cloudy) -CJ. ISBN 1585610348 bookbliss 09/01 |
Shurley English Made Easy level 7 Teacher ed -- $31 ppd. Nice. 1st ed, hardback, no writing, . kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Shurley Grammar 2 -- $40 ppd. Nice. Teacher guide and student workbook, great condition!. lemaoscar 08/03 |
Shurley Level 4 Student Handbook -- $8 ppd. New. Shurley English student workbook never used. ISBN 9781585610372 mindyg 08/27 |
Shurley Level 7 Teacher's Manual -- $25. Nice. Hardback copy. kbriant 09/13 |
Shurley Method -- $25 ppd. Fair. Student book and teacher manual. ISBN 1881940195 4xblessed 08/07 |
Shurley Method English made Easy, Gr. 5 -- $5 ppd. Good. missing pages 1-14, no writing rest of bk, 2nd ed, not hs version. ISBN 1881940586 kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Shurley Method English Made Easy Set, Gr. 8 -- $52 ppd. New. Level 8 Teacher's Manual, CD Student Book, never used. loveteach4kids 08/27 |
Shurley Method, English Made Easy, Gr. 3 -- $11 ppd. Good. Level 3 Student Workbook (Pre-test is here. Pgs 1-6 are missing. ISBN 1881940624 [+] bookbliss 09/01 |
Shurley Teacher Ed for English- HSing edition, Gr. 1 -- $18 ppd. Nice. no cd, minimal notations, . kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Shurley Teacher Ed for English- HSing edition, Gr. 2 -- $18 ppd. Nice. No cd, it is available separately though, minimal notations, . kurriculumkorner 08/23 |